Ziplining at the Alligator Farm - Aug 1, 2011
Nine of us women, all friends through the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, signed up to "zip the zoo"--do the aerial obstacle/zip line course at Crocodile Crossing, at the Alligator Farm. Some of us were forced down due to fatigue, heat, or dizziness before completion of the long course. Five of us completed all the obstacles and zips. Regardless if we completed it all or not, we had a great time, capped off by a picnic lunch at Anastasia State Park, celebrating the 72nd birthday of one of our ziplings, Joyce. Lorraine Thompson, reporter from the St Augustine Record, was present taking notes, along with a videographer. Our story appeared in the St Augustine Record the next morning: Click on the link, where you can see photos and a section of video.
Here we are focusing on the words of our instructor as he gives safety instructions and teaches us the use of our paraphernalia
Some of the first obstacles--Nana & Jindy
Joyce--looking good at 72!
Lola & Mary enjoying the ride
Soledad & Ruth traversing an obstacle
Nana and Ruth doing the zip
Sandy and Soledad
Click here for our party/orienteering