Update as of May 2011
We began the year with the annual celebration of Naomi's birthday--this time her 90th--on Jan 2nd!
followed by a visit from Karen & Bill Steves, from California
Otherwise our activities have kept us close to home. Dave spent many hours creating a DVD of the 25 year history of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of St Augustine. It was viewed at the 25th Anniversary Celebration on January 22nd.
In February Nana begin digging her gardens--mini-gardens at our house, at Naomi's, and the UU Fellowship. She also rented a 22' x 27' plot at the St Johns County Agricultural Center, which, after unveiling the tarp, turned out to be a swamp!
After much hauling of compost, mulch, and digging the raised beds, it began to look more like a garden...
Nearing the end of May, she has harvested a decent amount of green beans, lettuce, carrots, a few squash, many tomatoes, mustard greens, and waiting on sweet potatoes.
Here's one of a Florida gardener's nemesis--the lubber grasshopper. One reason gardening can be tricky in these parts.
Nana volunteered in her Master Gardener capacity this April at the spring celebration (EPIC) at the Agricultural Center, in the capacity of plant salesperson. This time of year it is quite beautiful at the Ag Center. One of Nana's volunteer jobs is to tend to a flower patch in front of the main building. This is all part of the 75 hours required of new master gardeners during their first year of service.
Working with flowers, Nana has extended them into Naomi's yard...
along with a few vegetables too...
Her favorite creation though, in our own backyard, is...
Arbor Day, St Augustine Beach...Nana is an Alternate on the Beautification Commission and wo(manned) a table extolling the benefits of Florida Friendly landscaping practices.
OK, so what's Dave been doing? Lately he had been preparing for a talk he gave at the UU Fellowship today entitled "Life Before Google," with power point visuals. You can see and listen to it at http://www.uufsa.org by going to that site and clicking on "Recent talks".
That about brings us up to date as of May 28.