Remembering and Celebrating the Life of Loren Ellison


of a curly-top towhead
a broad, exuberant smile
a body that loves to move

Crouching beneath the library table
to conceal his new glasses

Walking out the door to a party
a punk record under one arm
and his stuffed platypus beneath the other

Catching him hitchhiking along I-93
when he should have been north at school

Ole "Studmuffin" stretched on the beach
cocking his head to the side
with that mischievous grin

A confident young man
skillfully driving us through the crowded
streets of San Francisco

Together on his catamaran
careening over the rapids of
the Contoocook

Riding away on his beloved Norton
into eternity
One with his home of rivers, mountains,
and forests.


Loren King Ellison, born August 15, 1968. Shown here at 5 months.

Loren, 3 years old & Corey, one year.

Age 10
About 12 years old, by Naomi
The brooding teenager, about 16
Loren & Grandma Naomi atop Mt. Kearsarge, New Hampshire

Loren & his mother in Picolata

Doing what he loved best in Alaska in 1993

Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 1995...Last picture of Loren


I returned to the river where we once ran the rapids, but
It hasn't rained and the current runs swiftly no longer,

I climbed the mountain where we looked to the stars,
It is worn and rounded, marking your absence,
By having grown smaller.

I called your name in a meadow of wildflowers and
The wind whispered my world has changed, but
What of yours?

Are you the wind, the meadow, a single wildflower,
Here but for a season, or
Did you really go to Mars?

Dan Ellison

Portrait collage by Naomi in memory of Loren

Angel #1: "When's Loren due here?"

Angel #2: "He's probably stopping by the Other Place to check on the whitewater rafting possibilities know...Satan's Toilet Bowl...he'll be here soon."

(courtesy of Naomi Royer)

Life does not cease to be funny when people die,
any more than it ceases to be serious when people

George Bernard Shaw

"Hey Jude" is the song which Loren's father Dan
sang to him as a lullaby when Loren was an infant.

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