Cruising into LeConte Bay en route to glacier

Click HERE for Le Conte Glacier Video


Collene doing the "Titanic fly-away"


LeConte Glacier


From about 1/2 mile or so away


Our group--happy to make it in this close to the glacier, thanks to Captain Dennis' skillful piloting!


Ice newly calved from glacier--blue because it's very dense


"Ah, heaven!"



Todd and Shawn, who pampered us well!


The size of these icebergs, broken off the glacier, never ceased to amaze us


"The plane, the plane!"


Leaving "our home"


LeConte Glacier from the air--what a spectacular flight!


Devils Thumb, 9072 ft elevation in the Stikine Ice Cap--a very challenging mountain climb, but it has been done




Landing safely in Petersburg thanks to our pilot Butch Williams (Kupreanof Flying Service)

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